Saturday, March 31, 2012

Lake Martin, Louisiana

Photo by Eileen Beniest
The allure of this Lake comes in many forms. From the haphazard flight of a swamp-drunk dragonfly to the stillness of a lone alligator. Hot, sultry Summers, ice-crackle Winters, a sea of water lilies and turtle lined logs. Trailing Spanish Moss drips from the trees where nesting birds amass each year; Herons, Egrets, Spoonbills and more... The huddle of cypress knees known as the wood spirits of the swamp cast shadows in the waters; a hiding place for crappies. The screech of an eagle, the flapping of wings, the swish of a kayak paddle. Sunrise, Sunset and all that comes between... Lake Martin has a way of imprinting her beauty into our hearts. A Sunrise will bring early morning light drizzling through the trees. Sunsets turn the soup green swamp into liquid gold.