Thursday, May 27, 2010

Tattoo, a mark to regret?

A memento, a photograph or even the written word can just as well record an event, or celebrate a moment; giving importance and meaning to a person, place or time. No matter that they become tarnished with age and yellowed with time, they can be brought out to reminisce upon then put back again or perhaps even discarded. Tattoos are created with the same purpose in mind; to record special moments and milestones in a person’s lifetime but as life goes on time has a way of changing minds, recreating people, their beliefs and dreams. Tattoos remain, unchanged and almost unforgiving, to serve as a constant reminder not so much of the stories depicted in these pictures but of lost opportunities or life limitations as a result of these tattoos; and as the body becomes tarnished with age, all that is left is a comic strip shadow of a former ostentatious self - Eileen Beniest

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